Statistical Consulting Services

statistical consulting

Sometimes you need one-on-one intensive guidance. With consulting, you can get a little or a lot of help with choosing an approach, how to set up data, decisions to make, coding, interpretation, or communicating results.

Current Consulting Services Offered:

Results Section Review

Submit your paper with confidence that your results section is statistically sound and well written.

Quick Question

Ask your most pressing statistical questions in a one-on-one meeting with an expert.

Sample Size Calculations

Get the best sample size estimates calculated for you so you can right-size your study.

Hourly Consulting

Get flexible guidance and advice for a statistical plan, analysis, or interpretation.

“I owe you a long delayed Thank You for your help with my dissertation last spring. The dissertation defense was a success and I rocked all of the stats questions.”

— Alexis Conason, Psy.D.

Your Consultants:

Manolo Romero Escobar, MA

Software: R, SPSS, Mplus, and Excel

Manolo’s main focus areas are linear mixed effects modeling, latent variable modeling, and scale development.

Jeff Meyer, MBA, MPA

Software: Stata, MPlus, SPSS, and R

Jeff’s main focus areas are multivariate, logistic, mixed models, count models, multiple imputation models for missing data, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis using SEM, and latent class analysis.

Karen Grace-Martin, MA, MA

Software: SPSS, SAS, and AMOS

Karen’s ability to understand what researchers need and to explain technical information at the level of the researcher’s understanding has been one of her strongest assets as a consultant. Her expertise includes repeated measures, linear regression, logistic regress, GLMM, interactions, factor analysis, and power and sample size.

Do you still have questions? Contact us at