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Getting Started with Stata Tutorial #6: How Stata Code Works

July 18, 2024 • guest contributer

If you’ve tried coding in Stata, you may have found it strange. The syntax rules are straightforward, but different from what I’d expect. I had experience coding in Java and R before I ever used Stata. Because of this, I expected commands to be followed by parentheses, and for this to make it easy to […] Read More

Member Training: Analyzing Longitudinal Data: Comparing Regression and Structural Equation Modeling Approaches

July 2, 2024 • TAF Support

When analyzing longitudinal data, do you use regression or structural equation based approaches? There are many types of longitudinal data and different approaches to analyzing them. Two popular approaches are a regression based approach and a structural equation modeling based approach. Read More

Seven Steps for Data Cleaning

June 20, 2024 • Kat Caldwell

Ever consider skipping the important step of cleaning your data? It’s tempting but not a good idea. Why? It’s a bit like baking. I like to bake. There’s nothing nicer than a rainy Sunday with no plans, and a pantry full of supplies. I have done my shopping, and now it’s time to make the […] Read More

stat skill-building compass

Find clarity on your statistics journey. Try the new tool Stat Skill-Building Compass: Find Your Starting Point!