New version released of Amelia II: A Program for Missing Data

A new version of Amelia II, a free package for multiple imputation, has just been released today.  Amelia II is available in two versions.  One is part of R, and the other, AmeliaView, is a GUI package that does not require any knowledge of the R programming language.  They both use the same underlying algorithms and both require having R installed.

At the Amelia II website, you can download Amelia II (did I mention it’s free?!), download R, get the very useful User’s Guide, join the Amelia listserve, and get information about multiple imputation.

If you want to learn more about multiple imputation:


Approaches to Missing Data: the Good, the Bad, and the Unthinkable
Learn the different methods for dealing with missing data and how they work in different missing data situations.

Reader Interactions


  1. Sushant says

    It says on the documentation that it requires normalized data , for EM imputation, but the datasets are not always Normalized, what if I have to apply it on very large dataset, can we normalize datasets ?

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