When your dependent variable is not continuous, unbounded, and measured on
an interval or ratio scale, linear models don’t fit. The data just will not meet the assumptions of linear models. But there’s good news, other models exist for many types of dependent variables.
Today I’m going to go into more detail about 6 common types of dependent variables that are either discrete, bounded, or measured on a nominal or ordinal scale and the tests that work for them instead. Some are all of these.
Many who work with statistics are already functionally familiar with the normal distribution, and maybe even the binomial distribution.
These common distributions are helpful in many applications, but what happens when they just don’t work?
This webinar will cover a number of statistical distributions, including the:
- Poisson and negative binomial distributions (especially useful for count data)
- Multinomial distribution (for responses with more than two categories)
- Beta distribution (for continuous percentages)
- Gamma distribution (for right-skewed continuous data)
- Bernoulli and binomial distributions (for probabilities and proportions)
- And more!
We’ll also explore the relationships among statistical distributions, including those you may already use, like the normal, t, chi-squared, and F distributions.
Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.