Member Training: Writing Up Statistical Results: Basic Concepts and Best Practices

Many of us love performing statistical analyses but hate writing them up in the Results section of the manuscript. We struggle with big-picture issues (What should I include? In what order?) as well as minutia (Do tables have to be double-spaced?).

Join us as Larry Hatcher provides a straightforward strategy for organizing your findings and reporting them in text, tables, and figures. This training  focuses on APA style but will be useful to students and researchers across a variety of disciplines. You’ll learn about today’s best practices and will hear answers to common—and not-so-common—questions:

  • What are the big three results that should just about always be reported? 
  • How much detail do I need to include to provide a “sufficient” set of statistics? 
  • What rule of thumb can help me decide whether to provide results in a figure instead of a table? In a table instead of a paragraph?
  • What’s the difference between reporting treatment fidelity versus manipulation checks?
  • When reporting significance tests in a table, should I always provide precise p values? Is it ever okay to just flag the significant results with asterisks?
Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.
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About the Instructor

Larry Hatcher, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan. He is author of APA Style for Papers, Presentations, and Statistical Results: The Complete Guide and Advanced Statistics in Research: Reading, Understanding, and Writing Up Data Analysis Results.

He is also author or co-author of five books that show how to perform data analysis with the SAS® and JMP® applications, including the widely-cited A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS® for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, Second Edition.

Larry has taught elementary and advanced statistics since 1984. He loves teaching statistics because students typically show up feeling scared and confused, and end the semester feeling I can do this. He earned his Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Bowling Green State University in Ohio in 1983.  

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