Approaches to Repeated Measures Data: Repeated Measures ANOVA, Marginal, and Mixed Models

March 8th, 2011 by

There are three main ways you can approach analyzing repeated measures data, assuming the dependent variable is measured stage-3continuously: repeated measures ANOVA, Mixed Models, and Marginal Models. Let’s take a look at how the three approaches differ and some of their advantages and disadvantages.

For a few, very specific designs, you can get the exact same results from all three approaches.  This makes it difficult to figure out what each one is doing, and how to apply them to OTHER designs.

For the sake of the current discussion, I will define repeated measures data as repeated measurements of the same outcome variable on the same individual.  The individual is often a person, but could just as easily be a plant, animal, colony, company, etc.  For simplicity, I’ll use “individual.” (more…)

A Comparison of Effect Size Statistics

January 13th, 2011 by

If you’re in a field that uses Analysis of Variance, you have surely heard that p-values don’t indicate the size of an effect. You also need tostage 1 report effect size statistics.

Why? Because with a big enough sample size, any difference in means, no matter how small, can be statistically significant. P-values are designed to tell you if your result is a fluke, not if it’s big.

Unstandardized Effect Size Statistics

Truly the simplest and most straightforward effect size measure is the difference between two means. And you’re probably already reporting that. But the limitation of this measure as an effect size is not inaccuracy. It’s just hard to evaluate.

If you’re familiar with an area of research and the variables used in that area, you should know if a 3-point difference is big or small, although your readers may not. And if you’re evaluating a new type of variable, it can be hard to tell.

Standardized Effect Size Statistics

Standardized effect size statistics are designed for easier evaluation. They remove the units of measurement, so you don’t have to be familiar with the scaling of the variables.

Cohen’s d is a good example of a standardized effect size measurement. It’s equivalent in many ways to a standardized regression coefficient (labeled beta in some software). Both are standardized measures. They divide the size of the effect by the relevant standard deviations. So instead of being in terms of the original units of X and Y, both Cohen’s d and standardized regression coefficients are in terms of standard deviations.

There are some nice properties of standardized effect size measures. The foremost is you can compare them across variables. And in many situations, seeing differences in terms of number of standard deviations is very helpful.


But they are most useful if you can also recognize their limitations. Unlike correlation coefficients, both Cohen’s d and beta can be greater than one. So while you can compare them to each other, you can’t just look at one and tell right away what is big or small. You’re just looking at the effect of the independent variable in terms of standard deviations.

This is especially important to note for Cohen’s d, because in his original book, he specified certain d values as indicating small, medium, and large effects in behavioral research. While the statistic itself is a good one, you should take these size recommendations with a grain of salt (or maybe a very large bowl of salt). What is a large or small effect is highly dependent on your specific field of study, and even a small effect can be theoretically meaningful.

Variance Explained

Another set of effect size measures have a more intuitive interpretation, and are easier to evaluate. They include Eta Squared, Partial Eta Squared, and Omega Squared. Like the R Squared statistic, they all have the intuitive interpretation of the proportion of the variance accounted for.

Eta Squared is calculated the same way as R Squared, and has the most equivalent interpretation: out of the total variation in Y, the proportion that can be attributed to a specific X.

Eta Squared, however, is used specifically in ANOVA models. Each effect in the model has its own Eta Squared. So you get a specific, intuitive measure of the effect of that variable.

Eta Squared has two drawbacks, however. One is that as you add more variables to the model, the proportion explained by any one variable will automatically decrease. This makes it hard to compare the effect of a single variable in different studies.

Partial Eta Squared solves this problem, but has a less intuitive interpretation. There, the denominator is not the total variation in Y, but the unexplained variation in Y plus the variation explained just by that X. So any variation explained by other Xs is removed from the denominator. This allows a researcher to compare the effect of the same variable in two different studies, which contain different covariates or other factors.

In a one-way ANOVA, Eta Squared and Partial Eta Squared will be equal. But this isn’t true in models with more than one independent variable.

The drawback for Eta Squared is that it is a biased measure of population variance explained (although it is accurate for the sample). It always overestimates it.

This bias gets very small as sample size increases. For small samples, an unbiased effect size measure is Omega Squared. Omega Squared has the same basic interpretation, but uses unbiased measures of the variance components. Because it is an unbiased estimate of population variances, Omega Squared is always smaller than Eta Squared.

See my post containing equations of all these effect size measures and a list of great references for further reading on effect sizes.


How to Calculate Effect Size Statistics

January 13th, 2011 by

There are many effect size statistics for ANOVA and regression, and as you may have noticed, journal editors are now requiring you include one.

Unfortunately, the one your editor wants or is the one most appropriate to your research may not be the one your software makes available (SPSS, for example, reports Partial Eta Squared only, although it labels it Eta Squared in early versions).

Luckily, all the effect size measures are relatively easy to calculate from information in the ANOVA table on your output.  Here are a few common ones: (more…)

The Assumptions of Linear Models: Explicit and Implicit

November 29th, 2010 by

If you’ve compared two textbooks on linear models, chances are, you’ve seen two different lists of assumptions.Stage 2

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of this, and I think it comes down to a few things.

1. There are four assumptions that are explicitly stated along with the model, and some authors stop there.

2. Some authors are writing for introductory classes, and rightfully so, don’t want to confuse students with too many abstract, and sometimes untestable, (more…)

Confusing Statistical Terms #5: Covariate

November 8th, 2010 by

Stage 2Covariate is a tricky term in a different way than hierarchical or beta, which have completely different meanings in different contexts.

Covariate really has only one meaning, but it gets tricky because the meaning has different implications in different situations, and people use it in slightly different ways.  And these different ways of using the term have BIG implications for what your model means.

The most precise definition is its use in Analysis of Covariance, a type of General Linear Model in which the independent variables of interest are categorical, but you also need to adjust for the effect of an observed, continuous variable–the covariate.

In this context, the covariate is always continuous, never the key independent variable, (more…)

Using Adjusted Means to Interpret Moderators in Analysis of Covariance

September 24th, 2010 by

Stage 2If you’re like most researchers, your statistical training focused on Regression or ANOVA, but not both. It all depends on whether your field focuses more on experimental data (Biology, Psychology) or observed data (Sociology, Economics). Maybe one class covered a bit of the other, but most people are comfortable in one, but not the other.

This, in my opinion, is a shame. (Okay, I was going to say tragedy, but let’s be real.  Tsunami that kills thousands=tragedy.  Different scale here).

First of all, the distinction between ANOVA and linear regression is arbitrary. They’re really the same model with different outfits on.

Second, regardless of which one you normally use, you’re going to occasionally have to use the other kind of predictor variables–categorical or continuous. And we can come up with nice names for these models–a regression with dummy variables or an Analysis of Covariance.

But real understanding of the relationships among variables comes only when you dispense of the names and can focus on analyzing and interpreting the model using the kinds of variables you have.

There are other examples, but today I’m going to focus on an ANOVA model with a continuous covariate.

A common model is one in which one predictor is categorical (we’ll use 4 categories) and the other is continuous. Here is an example of a scatterplot of just such a model:

Scatterplot of Ancova
Scatterplot of Ancova

There are four groups, each of which received a different training.  The continuous moderator is Age, and the outcome is OverallPost, which is the post-training test score to see how well they learned the material in each training program.

As you can see, the effect of the training program is moderated by age.  Another way to say that is there is a significant interaction between Age and Training Group.  The effect of the training is depending on the trainee’s age.

One way to interpret this significant interaction is to compare the slopes of the four lines, which is easily done with any regression coefficient table.  (Okay, not always easily done, but easily found in…)

But this doesn’t make very much sense when Age is really a moderator–a predictor we want to control for, and see how it affects the relationship between the independent (IV) and dependent variables (DV), but not really the IV we’re interested in.

A better way to do it in this situation is to compare the means among groups at a low value of Age, say 20, and again at a high value of Age, say 50.  You can get p-values, adjusted for multiple comparisons, using either SAS or SPSS GLM.

SAS Proc GLM uses the LSMeans statement and SPSS GLM uses EMMeans.  They do the same thing–calculate the mean of Y for each group, at a specific value of the covariate.

If you use the menus in SPSS, you can only get those EMMeans at the Covariate’s mean, which in this example is about 25, where the vertical black line is.  This isn’t very useful for our purposes.  But we can change the value of the covariate at which to compare the means using syntax.

So it would tell us that at a young age of say 20, the three treatment groups (green, tan, and purple lines) all have means higher than the control (blue).  Young people learned more in all three treatment groups.

But at an older age, say 50, the means of the purple and tan groups were not significantly different from the control group’s (blue), and the green  (EIQ group) did worse!

In SPSS GLM, the syntax would be: