Christos Giannoulis

Should Confidence Intervals or Tests of Significance be Used?

December 20th, 2019 by

What is a Confidence Interval?

Any sample-based findings used to generalize a population are subject to sampling error. In other words, sample statistics won’t exactly match the population parameters they estimate.


How to Reduce the Number of Variables to Analyze

July 10th, 2019 by

by Christos Giannoulis

Many data sets contain well over a thousand variables. Such complexity, the speed of contemporary desktop computers, and the ease of use of statistical analysis packages can encourage ill-directed analysis.

It is easy to generate a vast array of poor ‘results’ by throwing everything into your software and waiting to see what turns up. (more…)

How to Interpret the Width of a Confidence Interval

April 8th, 2019 by

One issue with using tests of significance is that black and white cut-off points such as 5 percent or 1 percent may be difficult to justify.

Significance tests on their own do not provide much light about the nature or magnitude of any effect to which they apply.

One way of shedding more light on those issues is to use confidence intervals. Confidence intervals can be used in univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses and meta-analytic studies.


Life After Exploratory Factor Analysis: Estimating Internal Consistency

June 25th, 2018 by

After you are done with the odyssey of exploratory factor analysis (aka a reliable and valid instrument)…you may find yourself at the beginning of a journey rather than the ending.

The process of performing exploratory factor analysis usually seeks to answer whether a given set of items form a coherent factor (or often several factors). If you decide on the number and type of factors, the next step is to evaluate how well those factors are measured.


Confirmatory Factor Analysis: How To Measure Something We Cannot Observe or Measure Directly

June 18th, 2018 by

Many times in science we are intrigued to measure an underlying characteristic that cannot be observed or measured directly. This measure is hypothesized to exist to explain variables, such as behavior, that can be observed.

The measurable variables are called manifest variables. The unmeasurable are called latent variables.

Latent variables are often called factors, especially in the context of factor analysis.


Three Myths and Truths About Model Fit in Confirmatory Factor Analysis

June 11th, 2018 by

We mentioned before that we use Confirmatory Factor Analysis to evaluate whether the relationships among the variables are adequately represented by the hypothesized factor structure. The factor structure (relationships between factors and variables) can be based on theoretical justification or previous findings.

Once we estimate the relationship indicators of those factors, the next task is to determine the extent to which these structure specifications are consistent with the data. The main question we are trying to answer is:
